Support responsible tourism with this day of animal care

Support responsible tourism with this day of animal care

Vie, 4 octubre 2019
Support responsible tourism with this day of animal care

Responsible tourism is one of the maximum values that a traveler must have when visiting a place , but also; and above all, a tourism agency in order to respect cultural integrity, essential ecological processes, biological diversity and life sustaining systems, as said by the World Tourism Organization . The Animal Care Day , is one of the strategies with which Baquianos Travel , wants to put its grain of sand for the conservation, protection and care of animals and especially the entire ecosystem that is in the Mamey , sector where the road to Lost City begins in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.

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With this Animal Care Day, we seek to raise awareness about some people who are not very responsible with the animals  and that cause them suffering. This kind of actions drives the taking of responsibility for what we do and the impact we create when we are going to know a destination or provide a tourist service as an agency, so we take care and protect the wonderful scenery we have and the beings that help us and accompany us during This long journey without making them suffer or put their life at risk.

Read on to find out what activities will be done during the Animal Care Day promoted by Baquianos Travel and how you can also contribute to this activity and start being a responsible tourist.


What activities will be carried out during the Animal Care Day in Mamey?

Among the activities that will be carried out within the framework of the Animal Care Day by Baquianos , wildlife talks will be held in order to raise awareness about the biodiversity present in the area and how to develop actions to take care of all wildlife that live in the Mamey town and all the trail to Lost City.

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There all the animals present in the area will also be dewormed and vaccinated, as well as sterilization surgeries of all the cats and dogs here, all this to improve the quality of life of all these beautiful animals that make part of our trip to Lost City.


How to help the Animal Care Day?

It is important to mention that the Animal Care Day in El Mamey is an initiative of Baquianos Travel , therefore the resources are limitated, however, this is not enough so they have created other strategies such as the sale of bonds for people who want to support, they also have a bank account for people who are not in Santa Marta and still want to support initiatives, such as these to encourage responsible tourism in the city, making a donation according to their resources. And if you want to help or support in some way, but you can't do it financially, get in touch

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