What to do in Cartagena. The best plans to make while you are in La Heorica

What to do in Cartagena. The best plans to do while you are in La Heorica

Jue, 5 septiembre 2019
What to do in Cartagena. The best plans to do while you are in La Heorica

Cartagena , also known as the stone coral, is a beautiful Colombian city located on the Caribbean coast; very close to Santa Marta . It is full of great historical value, taking anyone in a trip through history just by going for a walk through the historic center, which is surrounded by an extensive and great wall; that's why its nickname.

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Cartagena is the little Africa of the Colombian Caribbean. It is a place with a lot of flavor, a lot of color and a lot of happiness, which makes Cartagena perfect for many plans, especially with the whole family.

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So if you still do not know Cartagena , what are you waiting for? Prepare your bags and escape during the weekend to the heroic. Do not worry about the plans, because here I leave you wih a list of things to do in Cartagena during your stay.


The best plans to do in Cartagena


The Clock Tower and the Portal of the Sweets

The Clock Tower , is a must stop for all who visit Cartagena , not only because it is the main entrance to the walled city. It is a great yellow doorway and in the upper part a great olonial tower with a clock in the center rises. In addition, in front of this square, there is a corridor known as the portal of sweets where the best typical sweets of Cartagena and the region are sold. They are so good that they are exempt from remorse.

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San Felipe castle

Not so far from the walled city of Cartagena is the great Castillo de San Felipe ; a great military fortification; the largest built in America, from where they could watch the city and be alert to any possible invasion or attack, so in addition to visiting the guardian of Cartagena from the inside , you will have a great view of the city. The entrance to the castle costs 42,000 COP, 23,500 COP, 34,000 COP and 32,000 COP for the general public, children from 6 to 13 years and students with a card, adults over 65 and groups from 5 people respectively.


A walk to Islas de Rosario, Barú or Cholón

If you are going to Cartagena , and you are thinking of resting on a beautiful Caribbean beach, Isla del Rosario, Barú or Cholón are your best option for this purpose. These are a set of islands that are 30 minutes way from Cartagena by boat. To get there, just go to the Muelle de la Bodeguita , which is diagonal to the Clock Tower . Another way to get to there is to hire a tour. Anyway, which ever wayyou choose, will not regret it.

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Visiting museums: the gold and the Inquisition museum

If you do not have much time in Cartagena and you do not want to leave without going to a good museum, I recommend here two that are very good and each one of them tell you different stories from different times of the region and the city. The Gold Museum , gathers the pre-Columbian history and of all the indigenous people that inhabited this region of the country. The Museum of the Inquisition  as you can imagine, focuses on the colonial period of the inquisition of the Catholic Church against all heretics.

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Get to know the Heredia Theater

You do not have to attend a theater show or be a lover of the performing arts, to go to know this jewel of the city. The Heredia Theater is a clear example of how the fusion of European architecture; in this case the Italian, with the Caribbean created a beautiful work of art that can be appreciated in each one of its details and in the horsehoe shape of the theater. Among other things, this theater is one of the venues of the Hay Festival that is held annually during the month of January in Cartagena.


See the sunset at Café del Mar

This is an iconic site of Cartagena located in the walled city, specifically, over the wall surrounding the historical center. The plan here is to observe a beautiful Cartagenian sunset facing the sea while you eat or drink something on top of a World Heritage Site . Great, right?


Climb to Cerro de la Popa

If you want to have a complete view of the whole city, then you should go to the Cerro de la Popa : the highest geographical hill of the city. Besides this, here you will be able to visit the convent and the most beautiful colonial church in the city.


Go out to dance. Rumba in Cartagena

Visiting a city and not going out on a rumba or at least enjoying its nightlife is like not having gone at all, and of course Cartagena is not the exception. In addition, it has a great nightlife, full of bars and nightclubs and restaurants, going out to the rumba in Cartagena has something magical thanks to the colonial atmosphere that covers the walled city. An experience that you will not want to miss!

Now you know what to do in Cartagena and how to enjoy all your time in the stone coral before leaving for your next destination. Are you knowing the Colombian coast? You may be interested in this guide to get to Mompox . Then you can go to the most beautiful bay in America and make a stop in Ciénaga ; one of the Heritage Villages of Colombia and then continue to Santa Marta , where you can visit the Tayrona Park , discover The Lost City or go up to Minca . Finally, you can travel to Cabo de la Vela , not before making a stop at Palomino and arriving at your own expense at Punta Gallinas , in the northernmost point of Colombia .


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