Tattoos for travelers: what you should do if you are a traveling lover. Original ideas and their meaning

Tattoos for travelers: what you should do if you are a traveling lover. Original ideas and their meaning

Lun, 9 septiembre 2019
Tattoos for travelers: what you should do if you are a traveling lover. Original ideas and their meaning

What we might call travel contagion is, in the end, an incurable disease, wrote traveler and travel historian par excellence, Ryszard Kapuscinski. He knew very well what he was referring to and all those who are travel lovers are very much in agreement and feel identified with this statement, to the point that they decide to take their passion to the next step and decide to capture it in their skin with the famous tattoos for travelers.

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And the fact is that the decision to get a tattoo is not easy, you have to be aware that skin marking is something that will last a lifetime and will not be easily erased, and even when it is done, the mark will remain there, that experts recommend getting a tattoo of something that makes sense to you, that is like a philosophy of life, a belief or something that inspires you so that every time you see it, remember the meaning of your life.

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And in fact, traveling is not only a passion, it is a lifestyle that has many benefits at a brain level and that even has a scientific basis, so if that is your case and you are looking for a tattoo for the first time or one to add to your body repertoire that reflects your passion for traveling , here we present some ideas of tattoos for travelers with their meaning so that you feel inspired to do what you like most.

The best tattoo ideas for travelers

The Wanderlust spirit

This may be one of the most recurrent and famous tattoos for travelers that may exist and that is due, perhaps, partly to the phonetics of the word and secondly to its meaning and origin. This word does not have a literal translation into Spanish, of German origin is a construction between two words, wandern which means 'a walk' and lust which means 'passion', so it comes to mean an uncontrolled desire or passion to walk and explore the world. It's not bad, right?

(@ sanchotattoo01)

The world map

With this tattoo, there is no doubt that your passion in life is to travel. This is for more risky and daring people who do not see the world with many borders and divisions but as a single land that you have to walk and explore until you get tired. Of the tattoos for travelers , the world map is usually bigger than most because it has to include all the continents, but it is also one of the most beautiful ones.


The compass

This is an idea with enough meaning and very versatile, it just ltakes creativity and imagination for your compass to be totally different from the rest without losing the sense. The compass was a tattoo that sailors used as a symbol for protection, not to lose direction or sense and not to forget the way home.


The first trip

Many people choose to do something much more significant for them and decide to get their first tattoo , something that symbolizes the first trip they made or the first destination they visited, or where they lived really unforgettable things. Here are the options for a extremely varied type of travelers and find the coordinates of the first place they visit. 


It is not enough to have the stamp in the passport?


It can also be a nice palm tree that reminds you of the beautiful beaches of Santa Marta , for example.



The traveling gene

Imagine that your passion for traveling is not just a desire to know the world, but that it is something that you have written; literally, in your being, and this been the responsable of that urgent need you have to explore every corner on earth? That's what happens when you have DRD4 7R or the traveling gene ; a gene that goes back to 35,000 years ago with Neanderthals and that correlates with exploratory behavior. Without a doubt, a very original tattoo.


By land, sea or air

The means of transport are other tattoos for travelers who are more successful too, due to its small size that can be worn discreetly in any part of the body and also, because of its minimalist design, looks great.


Write it

And if you do not feel like doing any of the above, then Write it! It can be the name of a place, a date or a phrase that is your personal mantra, that inspires you and that helps you to continue when you feel that your are losing your strength or when fear invade you.



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