The best páramos in Colombia that deserve to be visited

The best páramos in Colombia that deserve to be visited

Vie, 27 septiembre 2019
The best páramos in Colombia that deserve to be visited

The moorlands, also known as dwarf forests, are very valuable ecosystems for the world, as they are important natural waterworks factories. This ecosystem, and the frailejón, the magic plant, are characterized because they are only found in low temperatures, where rain and fog abound. The moors in Colombia are a real gem for the country, and in fact, our country is one of the three in the world that have these wonderful ecosystems.

It may interest you: Know the natural wonders that you will only find in Colombia.

However, the páramos in Colombia and around the world are fragile ecosystems that need the care and protection of everyone, however, its visit and exploration is one of the most fascinating things that can be done. Therefore, if you like ecotourism and trekking , here is a list of the best moors in Colombia that deserve to be visited.


Páramos in Colombia



The Paramo de Saturbán is located in the departments of Santander and Norte de Santander. This is one of the most important moorlands in Colombia and the most threatened by mining and agricultural expansion, which is why it is important to protect and conserve it. It is also home to hundreds of species of endemic fauna and flora, which means plants and animals that are only seen in this area of the world. Within it are several natural parks, lagoons and landscapes that will make you fall in love.



Chingaza is one of the most emblematic moorlands in Colombia , since it is not only a source of life and home to unforgettable landscapes, but it is also a cultural jewel, as this was an important place for the Muiscas and Guayupes communities, in fact, inside Chingaza is the Laguna de Siecha which together with the Laguna de Guatavita give birth to the legend of El Dorado. It is home to a rich fauna and flora, like the spectacled bear, a specie in danger of extinction; which is why before visiting it you must apply through the website of National Natives Parks of Colombia at least 15 days in advance or take a tour to Chingaza.



The Oceta moorland is considered the most beautiful in the world, it is composed of more than 5,771 hectares. The starting point is Monguí , a beautiful Colombian Heritage Village , located in the department of Boyacá , so if you visit it do not miss the perfect opportunity to also know the history and beauty of this region of the country. You can go hiking for a day or several days camping inside the park. One of the main attractions is the Stone City, as the farmers have named this area, where the detachment of stone slabs have created labyrinths, resembling a small city, however you can find other attractions such as visiting the Laguna Negra, waterfalls, lakes and lagoons. It is one of the moorlands in Colombia you can not miss.


Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta

And another of the moors in Colombia that must be visited is the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta , one of the most important mountainous areas for the country and known for being the highest coastal mountain in the world. Its variety and ecological beauty make it unique and special. The Sierra Nevada is the only place in the world that have all the thermal floors, is home to hundreds of species of fauna and flora that have evolved over time and have found shelter from human hunting. Here is the Lost City, an important urban center of the extinct Tayrona civilization that have been very well preserved, there is also the Tayrona Park ; one of the most spectacular natural national parks in Colombia, and as if that was not enough, the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, one of the Biosphere Reserves for Unesco.



The Sumapaz , is the largest moorland on planet Earth, with a little over 330,420 hectares of beautiful landscapes and unique attractions. A feature that makes it different from the other moors in Colombia is its large number of glacial lagoons such as Laguna Larga, Laguna La Guitarra and Laguna La Cajita , among others. It has many routes for hiking classified by levels of complexity and leading to different attractions of the park, one of which is a ruined building that worked as a prison in the days of the dictator Rojas Pinilla build here to send his detractors and political enemies. The Páramo de Sumapaz , is located in the department of Cundinamarca , very close to Bogotá, its access is very easy and  has a free entrance fee.

If you want to discover more of this beautiful country, we invite you not to get any of our Colombian travel guides entering here .


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