Adventure in the heights, know and learn how to get to the National Parks of Colombia in the mountains

Adventure in the heights, know and learn how to get to the National Parks of Colombia in the mountains

Dom, 8 septiembre 2019
Adventure in the heights, know and learn how to get to the National Parks of Colombia in the mountains

As we have said before, Colombia , it is not only the country of flavors. Colombia is first and foremost the most mega-diverse country in the world, the number of fauna, flora and natural resources it possesses account for it. The National Natural Parks of Colombia are a good example of this. These parks are protected areas that keep inside all the beauty and grandeur that Colombia keeps in its interior.

It may interest you: Know what are the intangible assets of Colombia for the world.

Previously we knew the National Natural Parks of Colombia of marine nature , this time, we will continue exploring the country, through the National Natural Parks up in the heights, in the mountains. And, knowing that Colombia , at the top of the mountain ranges, has half the páramos of the world and the highest coastal mountain in the world in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta , is something that fills with emotion.


The National Parks in the mountains


Purace, the mountain of fire

The Purace National Natural Park , located between the departments of Huila and Cauca, is part of one of the Biosphere Reserves in Colombia , since it is considered the birthplace of water, because here the main Colombian rivers are born . Besides that, its volcanoes combine with its more than 30 lagoons of clear and calm waters offer spectacular landscapes. For lovers of hiking, this is one of the natural national parks that has one of the best routes for trekking in Colombia . To get to the Purace you must take a bus from Popayán to Puente Tierra and ready, start from there the ascent to reach its volcanoes.


The Nevados, the snow mountains

One of the natural national parks includes an incredible volcanic complex that includes the Nevado del Ruiz, Santa Isabel and Tolima. Here, the Condor of the Andes lives; our national bird that measures more than three meters long and makes it the largest non-marine bird on the planet. Of its many attractions,  the road where you can see the contrast between the moors, dunes and rocks, highlights, a real wonder. You have to take a bus from Manizales to El Refugio , and from there start walking to get to Los Nevados Park.


Chinganza, the mountain of water

The Chinganza National Natural Park is another large water producer complex; a single reservoir provides 80% of the water to Bogotá. Its paramos, lagoons, reservoirs, streams, rivers and Andean forests, make up an incredible landscape, which was adored by the Muiscas and no doubt proves it is one of the most beautiful natural mountain national parks in Colombia . To get to Chinganza you have to take a bus from La Calera to the Monterredondo Administrative Center.


The Cocuy, the mountain of ice and rock

This park houses the largest glacier mass in Colombia in 30 kilometers and is made up of 20 immense peaks covered with ice and snow, most of which can be covered by foot. The landscapes of paramos and valleys are a story in the park, which makes it a sensational experience. This is another of the national natural parks that contains excellent routes for trekking in Colombia . To get there, take a bus from Bogotá to the Park, then you must start a two-hour ascent to appreciate all that beauty.

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