My experience in Lost City and some essential recommendations.

My experience in Lost City and some essential recommendations

Mar, 15 octubre 2019
My experience in Lost City and some essential recommendations

I decided to write this special article, about one of the most spectacular destinations we have in Colombia , because I think it is fair and necessary and because I think it would complement very well the other articles about Lost City that we have written from this blog . Below you find them for all to consult.

Information about Lost City

Now, Lost City is a real destination that is worth finding. The hike to Lost City is one of the best parts of doing this tour, because you have to enter the amazing and vast jungle of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta for several days, and travel a path that will take you through immense mountains, imposing waterfalls , beautiful rivers and all kinds of adventures until finally reaching the Lost City or Teyuna as the ancient Tayrona civilization called it.

There are several things that make the Lost City tour extraordinary. One is the trek as such, another can see with your own eyes some of the most impressive archaeological finds in Latin America, and another are the bonds of friendship that you can get to make with those other people from all over the world with whom you will share the next three, four, five or six days. The farewell is going to be tough, believe me.

You may be interested: Archaeological Sites to visit in Colombia.

Here I tell you how my experience was to Lost City and I show you some photos so you can see the magic of this place and want to do the tour now.

Road to Lost City

Day 1

On the first day we go very early to the offices of Baquianos Travel & Adventure , which will be the point from where our adventure will begin. There they give us a few indications and from there we start towards a point known as the Aguacatera , which is on the road that leads to Palomino , and that is; So to speak, the entrance to the Sierra Nevada . From the agency there are approximately 60 minutes. Then we continue to El Mamey village by car on an uncovered road where we will have lunch and finally begin the trekking to Lost City .

Here we will have lunch and prepare our things to leave. The essential recommendation before leaving is to check your luggage and try to carry just what is necessary so that your backpack does not weigh much. Keep in mind that you will be walking for several days several hours a day. In this place you can take out what you think makes weight, put it in a bag and pick it up on the last day, as the tour starts and ends in the same restaurant. Everything will be safe in a locked room, so don't worry.

Another recommendation is that when you are packing in your accommodation you put everything in a plastic garbage bag and then put that bag in your backpack, because the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta can be a very humid place, so your clothes can get a bad smell and Your devices, documents and medicine can be damaged. It can also rain at any time.

After lunch and after resting we will go for a walk to the first camp where we will spend the night, known as Adam's Camp. On this day you walk a little more than 9 kilometers.

Day 2

On this day and everyone else, we will get up at 5 am to be ready and leave at 6:20 am approximately. This is perhaps the longest day as we will walk around 20 kilometers uphill. The first day will walk approximately 4 hours and we will reach the second camp of the Wiwa indigenous community , where we will have lunch. One of the things that surprised us most about the tour is that we go out with a private chef who makes very tasty dishes and takes into account everyone's tastes and allergies, so if you are a vegetarian, you do not eat certain meat or are allergic to gluten, he You will have an alternative dish and so everyone happy and happy.

During the break, we will enjoy a rich bath in the river that is nearby to relax, have fun and recharge for what awaits us in the afternoon. That is, a walk of almost 5 hours until arriving at Cabañas Paraíso , the place where we will spend the second night and the closest point to climb to Lost City.

Day 3

On this day we will finally go up and get to know the long-awaited and expected Lost City , so we are all super excited and expectant. Again we leave at 6:30 in the morning. We walk for half an hour until we reach the river that we will pass directly into it and then find the steps that announce the arrival to paradise. They are 1,200 stone steps that separate us from the best part.

When we finally arrive, there is a booth where members of the archeological park control the entrance. One recommendation is that you carry your passport with you this day, as luggage is left at the camp and you try to climb with what is strictly necessary, that is; water, chamber, repellent and blocker. At the entrance, the box office people put a stamp on your entry passport, but many visitors also carry their official passport so that they also put it there and it becomes a beautiful memory of your trip to Lost City that you will always remember.

Up here we will be three to four hours, touring each of the most interesting points of Teyuna , sharing information, resting, eating fruits and other snacks and of course taking photos. Something incredible, because in addition to the beauty of this scenario, the intelligence of the natives is astonished when building the place, and because the descendants of the Tayrona still meet once a year to do rites of purification and payment, Lost City has A special and very big energy.

Finally, after our time here it is time to return to Cabañas Paraíso where we will have lunch and prepare to walk back to the Wiwa Capamento where we had lunch the day before. There we will spend the night.

Day 4

The last day we will walk from the Wiwa Camp to El Mamey Village where we have lunch on the first day, and where we will have lunch again, so the walk is a bit long, but not as hard as the other days because most of the Road is made in descent.

An indispensable thing that you must have during the whole trekking to Lost City is the water, which you only have to take or buy the first day, and from there onwards the tour will provide it. You just have to verify that it is a bottle of at least one liter, because water will only be available in the camps. Along the way, between camp and camp are the famous oases, small huts where we rest and eat fruits provided by the tour. In these points there are also small shops, as in the camps where you will find water, beer, juices, sodas and cookies among others for sale.

The water they give us in the camp is purified water, which is very good. Another very good point is that throughout the tour, especially in the camps and finally in Lost City , the guide will be providing us with information about the history of the place and many other interesting facts about the indigenous culture.

Speaking of the guides, they are very professional and passionate about what they do, so they sometimes give the impression that they are not working but that they are getting to know a place to their relatives or friends who came to visit. They are always aware of us, worried about our state and always putting our security above all.

So this tour to Lost City will become one of the best trips you will make in Colombia and in your whole life.

Visit other of the most beautiful places in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta such as Minca , Tayrona Park , Casa Element and San Lorenzo Knife to understand the richness and importance of this place for the world.


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