The best museums in Bogota that you can not miss in your visit to the capital

The best museums in Bogota that you can not miss in your visit to the capital

Vie, 27 septiembre 2019
The best museums in Bogota that you can not miss in your visit to the capital

Visiting, getting to know and touring museums is an essential part of any trip. These places, temples of history and culture, allow us to get closer to the past, to the customs and roots of a place or a country. There are manyMuseums in Bogota, all equally important for the city and the country, however, among all that large number there is always a smaller group that stands out among the majority either by the content of its historical value or collection.

You may be interested: What to do in Bogotá. Guide with the best things to do in the capital.

If this is one of the activities that you can not miss in the list of things to do each time you travel, you can not miss knowing these museums in Bogotá , which according to the onlines bloggers are the best.

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The best museums in Bogotá


1. National Museum

The National Museum is not only one of the best museums in Bogotá, but probably one of the best museums in Colombia . It is also one of the oldest in America and its collection is hang in more than 17 rooms; In addition to the temporary exhibitions, there is always at least one on display, and it is divided into art, archeology, ethnography, history and iconography, the last one dedicated to Simón Bolívar and it is the largest collection of its kind in America Latina. The building in which the National Museum is housed was formerly a prison for which it is already loaded with historical value and, as if that was not enough, its architecture is a delight to behold. The average visit time is three hours, but the truth is that if you enjoy this, you will not feel it.


2. Botero Museum

Another one of the best museums in Bogota and that you have to visit, has to do with the work of Colombian artist Fernando Botero, who is known throughout the world for his art of large sizes, and who has donated most of his collection to the State so that the general public could appreciate its wonderful sculptures and paintings. It is worth mentioning that the museum maintains the same organization that the same artist arranged when it was inaugurated in the year 2000. Although the museum is dedicated to Botero and a large part of his work is located there, there is also a collection of 80 pieces of universal art, so if you want to enjoy a very good exhibition of contemporary art you can not miss going to the Museo de Botero in the heart of the Historic Center of Bogotá.


3. Gold Museum

Another museum that definitely can not be missed in your tour of the best museums in Bogotá , is the Gold Museum , which contains the largest prehispanic goldsmith collection in the world with more than 34 thousand pieces made of gold and tumbaga, a type of metal that is the product of mixing gold, silver and copper. In this museum he finds art and goldsmithing that were used by the different indigenous communities that lived in the country, such as the Muiscas, the Tayrona civilization, the Zenú culture, among many others. This a must visit even if you are not very fan of visiting museums, so that you can admire the customs and know the amazing prehispanic culture of Colombia.


4. Quinta de Bolívar

Perhaps this museum does not compare to the Quinta de San Pedro Alejandrino in Santa Marta , but it is a place worth knowing in which you can travel through time and from the entrance of the house you can relive how was life in those days in which Simón Bolívar and Manuela Saenz walked on earth. Each item and furniture found in the house is original from that time, so it is one of the museums in Bogotá with a lot of historical value and above all of national importance. A tip for travelers: on weekends, admission is free.


5. Museum of Bogotá

If you want to know more about the Colombian capital, then you can not stop going to the Museum of Bogotá . A place where everyone can access (admission is free) where visitors will be able to witness the transformation of the city and its role in movements and events of importance to the country, such as the independence of Colombia. The collection that composes the patrimony of the city is composed of photographs, plans and historical objects that are part of the testimony of the historical events through which the capital of Colombia has been through. So if you want to know the history of the city, this place is one of the museums in Bogotá where you will find all the answers.


If you want to discover more of this beautiful country, we invite you not to get any of our Colombian travel guides entering here .


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