Living with indigenous communities in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Martaaa

Living with indigenous communities in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta

Jue, 19 septiembre 2024
Living with indigenous communities in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta

Living with indigenous communities is a trend that has gained lately to connect with the culture, custom and roots of indigenous ethnic groups that have ancestral knowledge. This type of tourism is ideal for those people who want to disconnect radically from the hustle and bustle of the century in which we live and connect with the deepest features of the country, in addition to knowing a totally different culture and worldview from what we are used to.

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Living with the indigenous communities of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta is an alternative option, which is also responsible tourism , for those who want to unveil the secrets found in the largest coastal mountainin of the world, but above all it is a very good option for those travelers who are looking for new experiences.


Indigenous communities in Santa Marta to meet and share




The Mulkuankungui ethnic group is a community in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta descendants of the Tayrona culture and who are willing to share all their knowledge and customs with all visitors who want to share with them. At the time of arrival you will be received by a host family who will be your guide throughout the tour to Mulkuankungui . They will teach you about their rites, customs, typical foods, they will lead you to plant a tree as an offering and symbolic representation of the environmental conscience they profess. You will also have the opportunity to learn how to make their characteristic backpacks and other representative crafts.

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Katanzama is another of the indigenous communities in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta with which you can live. On this one-day Katanzama tour , you will be greeted by the spiritual head of the community, who will also be your guide to the place and culture of the Arhuacos Indians . In addition to that, you will trek to Taironaka , an impressive archaeological center where you will learn more about the way of life and customs of this community and finally, they will take you along a path where nature combines to create beautiful landscapes, and end the day at the famous Sacred Poza , sacred site for the community where they perform their rituals and payments, where you can take a dip in its crystal clear waters and feel how the energy of this place renews your whole being.

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This tour to Seydukwa lasts two days, in which you will not only have the possibility of living with indigenous communities , but you will know and witness the most sacred place in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta for all the ethnic groups and indigenous communities that inhabit and protect this mythical mountain. Just to start, you should know that not everyone is allow to enter this place, only those who have environmental awareness, which is why it is very protected by the Mamos and indigenous leaders. The journey, as well as the stay in Seydukwa , are simply spectacular; It is a hidden place in the vastness of the Sierra where you can see unparalleled landscapes where nature takes on an impressive force and where you breathe the purest air and the waters.

Surely, living and visiting some of the indigenous communities of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta is an experience that you will never forget and then  when you return, will see how your life has been marked and therefore you will not see or assume it in the same way. Just remember that this journey is always done with respect and an open mind.

Other places to know in the Sierra Nevada are Minca ; the ecological capital of Colombia, Tayrona Park ; one of the most spectacular national parks in the country, and of course the great Lost City ; cradle and home of the now extinct Tayronas. Without a doubt in Santa Marta , you will find a lot to do.


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