Coconuco Hot Springs: How to get there and recommendations - Baquianos Travel

How to get to the Coconuco Hot Springs

Jue, 8 abril 2021
How to get to the Coconuco Hot Springs

The Coconuco Hot Springs , located in the municipality of the same name, have the Agua Tibia Hot Springs and the Boiling Water Hot Springs ; Pools in which you can not only bathe but also enjoy the great healing properties that these types of waters have.

The Coconuco Hot Springs are an excellent option to spend a day or a weekend in the company of friends or family. Besides everything, the surrounding landscape is an ecstasy to behold.

Below you will find how to get to the Coconuco Hot Springs and some recommendations .

Coconuco hot springs

How to get to the Coconuco Hot Springs?

The Coconuco Hot Springs are located in the municipality of Coconuco about 45 minutes from Popayán . Therefore, to get there, you must first be in the capital of Cauca and from there take, from the transport terminal, a bus to Coconuco.

Once in Coconuco , you can take a motorcycle taxi to get to the hot springs , take a jeep or a bus to get to the pools. The prices of these routes range from 2,500 COP to 10,000 COP.

As already mentioned, in Coconuco there are the Hot Springs of Agua Tibia and the Hot Springs of Agua Caliente . The two are in the same sector, however, they are managed by different companies.

The Agua Tibia Hot Springs are private property and the entrance costs 12,000 COP. In addition to the hot springs, this place has a lake where you can do sport fishing and sail in canoes. It also has medicinal mud, hydrotherapy, canopy, slide, hotel and restaurant.

On the other hand, the Hot Springs of Boiling Water are owned by the Indigenous Council and the entrance costs 7,000 COP. Unlike its neighbors, the water is warmer (that's the name), and the pools are closer to each other. These hot springs also have natural and artificial pools, a slide, accommodation and a restaurant.

Coconuco hot springs

Recommendations to go to the Coconuco Hot Springs

  • The Coconuco Hot Springs are busy every weekend, especially on bank holidays. So if you are thinking of going and do not want to be surrounded by many people, it is best to go during the week.
  • There is no risk of contracting tropical diseases such as zika, dengue or chicungunya since they are found at more than 2,500 meters high.
  • Bring a towel and warm clothes for last, as it can get a bit chilly when you get out of the hot water.
  • The Coconuco Hot Springs do not have a storage service, so it is best to carry a large bag to store all your belongings.


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