How to get to Guatavita; information, costs and things to do

How to get to Guatavita; information, costs and things to do

Dom, 8 septiembre 2019
How to get to Guatavita; information, costs and things to do

Guatavita , is a beautiful colonial town in the Department of Cundinamarca , famous for its incredible Laguna; a magical place surrounded by nature and legends. It was in this place where the legend of El Dorado was born. It is said that the Laguna de Guatavita was the ceremonial site in which the natives worshiped Chie, their goddess of water, by lavish ceremonies; according to which, the Muisca chief arrived accompanied by four priests on a wooden raft to Guatavita, before immersing himself impregnated in gold and loaded with the treasures that he collected from the community in order to leave them in the water as an offering and symbol of worship.

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Beyond that, Guatavita is one of those economic and fascinating destinations that you have to know, and much more if you are in the capital, since it is one of those places near Bogotá that you must visit.

Below, find information related to how to get to Guatavita, what to do and costs.

How to get to Guatavita?

The adventure begins in Bogotá , where you have two options to travel. The first one is through La Calera, from the Carulla supermarket on 72nd Street with 12 buses to Guatavita , cost of 9,000 COP. This bus leaves you in the town of Guatavita , but if you want  to reach the Laguna de Guatavita , there you must take another bus that takes you to the reserve. This passage costs 7,000 COP.

The other option is to go to Portal Norte Station. Here you can take the bus to Guatavita for 9,000 COP. The bus enters through Sesquilé and you have 2 options: One tell the driver to leave you at the detour to the Laguna and there wait for a bus that get you near by or two to reach the main town and take the bus that cost 7,000 COP .


How much does the entrance to the Laguna de Guatavita cost?

The cost of the entrance to the lagoon is 13,000 COP for Colombians and 18,000 COP for foreigners. The parking service is completely free for those who decide to go by car, but it is very small and it fills up quickly so you have to go to one of the private ones that are in the area for a price of 7,000 COP.

The schedule of the Laguna de Guatavita is 8:30 am. to 4:00 p.m. Tuesday to Sunday and Monday only on holiday.


What else to do in Guatavita?

Apart from visiting and spending a wonderful time in the Laguna de Guatavita , we also recommend you visit the town of Guatavita and explore its spectacular buildings. The town has a well-preserved colonial architecture and cobblestone streets and squares, much like Villa de Leyva , so imagine the beauty. In addition, there you can visit and know, among other things, the Guatavita Coffee Museum and the Tominé Reservoir .

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