How to get to Neguanje and Playa Cristal in Parque Tayrona

How to get to Neguanje and Playa Cristal in Parque Tayrona

Lun, 27 marzo 2023
How to get to Neguanje and Playa Cristal in Parque Tayrona

The Tayrona Park located on the slopes of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta is a beautiful place with totally incredible landscapes and absolutely beautiful beaches, in fact some of the most beautiful beaches in Santa Marta and South America ; like Neguanje and Playa Cristal, located in this Natural Park.

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Playa Cristal or Playa del Muerto as it is also known, since it was once an important ceremonial place for the Tayrona Indians where they buried their dead, it is an incredible beach with crystal clear waters and an amazing  atmosphere that invites you to rest and relax. So this beach is an excellent option for those who want to know one of the beautiful hidden gems of the city.

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How to get to Neguanje and Playa Cristal?

To get to Neguanje and Playa Cristal you have three options. Here we tell you what they are.

The first is to buy a tour to Playa Cristal where they pick you up at the door of your accommodation and includes transportation, insurance and entrance to Tayrona Park . These excursions to Playa Cristal are costing around 100,000 COP per person.

The second option arrive at Taganga ; this small fishing paradise, and take a boat to Playa Cristal , with one of the agencies that are in front of the beach, which are costing between 70,000 and 100,000 COP per person. Here it is important that you know how to negotiate since many will want to overcharge you.

The third option is to reach Neguanje and Playa Cristal on your own. For that you have to get from Santa Marta to Palangana, which is the entrance of the Tayrona Park where you reach Neguanje and Playa Cristal later.

So, to get to Palangana , you have to take a bus in the city market that costs 10,000 COP or so. It is the same bus that goes to the main entrance of Tayrona Park . All you have to do is ask the driver to leave you in Palangana . Once there, you can hitchhike to get to Neguanje or pay a car or motorcycle to take you to Neguanje , since the walk can take several hours.

When you are in Neguanje , you can reach Playa Cristal by foot , which takes about 40 minutes or by boat , which costs approximately 20,000 COP per trip.

Recommendations for Neguanje and Cristal

  • Playa Cristal has limited access per day for 300 people, so if you want to be among that group, try to buy your ticket online or arrive very early in Palangana to secure your entry.
  • The value of the entrance to Neguanje and Playa Cristal are the same entrance fees as to the Tayrona Park , that is, 19,500 COP for Colombians between the ages of 5 and 25; 27,500 COP for Colombians between 26 and 64 years old and 61,500 COP for all foreigners over five years old.
  • You must bear in mind that if you go by car, the entrance fee costs 13,500 COP and parking for 10,000 COP. The motorcycle for its part pays 9,500 COP for the entry and 8,000 COP for the parking lot.
  • Try to bring your food and drinks, since they are usually very expensive inside and bring back with you all the trash, remember to be a responsible tourist.
  • It is too much, but remember to wear a bathing suit, hat, sunscreen,  camera and the best attitude to know this beautiful paradise in Santa Marta

Also near Santa Marta you will find other beautiful places that deserve to be visited and explored such as Minca , Lost City , Aracataca , Ciénaga , Palomino , the Los Flamencos Flora and Fauna Sanctuary and much more. We encourage to know everything about Santa Marta and Colombia here .


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