Note to understand the closure of four beaches of Tayrona Park in Santa Marta

Note to understand the closure of four beaches of Tayrona Park in Santa Marta

Jue, 26 septiembre 2019
Note to understand the closure of four beaches of Tayrona Park in Santa Marta

The Tayrona Park is one of the most amazing natural parks. Its abundant nature, the great diversity of fauna, flora and ecosystems, not to mention the energy that surrounds inside, make it a favorite destination among travelers from all over the country and of course the whole world. Therefore, the closure of some of the Tayrona Park's beaches caused a great commotion among the lovers of this place and its beautiful beaches that are part of its territory.

It may interest you: What to do in Santa Marta, things that you can not stop doing when you visit.

If you still do not understand why this closure, continue reading this note to understand the closure of four beaches of Tayrona Park.


Which are the beaches of the Tayrona Park that closed?


The four beaches of Tayrona Park that were restricted to the public are Los Naranjos, Pueblito, Chengue and an area of Bahía Concha . This means that only the members of the Wiwa, Arhuaco, Kankuamo and Kogui indigenous communities are able to access; these communities were those who requested the closure of these beaches.


Why did they close them?


This closure is due to a request made by the indigenous communities of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta to the Magdalena Court, since the entire Sierra Nevada, including the Tayrona Park and all its beaches, are sacred places of great importance for their ethnic groups.

This area has always been sacred to them, however, the action of closing four beaches of Tayrona Park was motivated by the advanced state of deterioration in which the previous mentioned beaches are.


And so?


It is true that the closure of these beaches of Tayrona Park is a great pity for all because of the beauty of these beaches, however, Santa Marta  has much more than these four beaches, actually,  the city has 534 kilometers of beaches, several of them have been included in the group of the most beautiful beaches in South America , so what this closure teaches us is that we must protect and take care of each one of the natural treasures that we have so that this type of situations  do not happen again in the future.

As another note, it is worth mentioning  that since 2020 the Tayrona Park will have three closures throughout the year: the first from February 1 to 15, another from June 1 to 15 and the last from October 19 to 2 of November.

Colombia is a wonderful and privileged country that has many natural paradises and it is our duty; as visitors, take care of each of them, and, above all, take care of the environment to enjoy these beautiful scenarios not only in Colombia, but throughout the world. If you want to know about each of the destinations and magical places to visit in Colombia , do not hesitate to click here.


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