Books to travel, recommended to take flight and explore the world

Books to travel, those recommended to take a flight and explore the world

Miér, 4 septiembre 2019
Books to travel, those recommended to take a flight and explore the world

With these books to travel we bring you an ideal companion that will be with you always in each of your adventures around the world, perfect comapy even more if you travel alone. Are you traveling already or  want to? Do not miss these tips to travel alone and not fail in the attempt.

Particularly, books have always been present in all aspects of my life, and what I love most about them is that there is one for every moment, every occasion, every stage of life, every emotion, and of course there are also books to travel.

"Traveling is living", said Hans Andersen, and reading a book is almost like starting a journey, say other authors. But the truth is that there is nothing, such as reading those stories inspired by travels , and in that way encourage and inspire one also while traveling.

At the time of making the suitcase , a book is for me a fundamental object that can not be left behind, and for that reason, thinking of you, I have made this choice of travel books so that you take your experience to another level.


Travel books that will inspire you


In the path - Jack Kerouac

Of the books to travel, this should be the first to be read. It is a classic and is considered one of the classics; forgive the redundancy, most influential of the twentieth century. Along the way, he recounts Kerouac's trip with his friends all over the United States and Mexico, in what is known as Route 66. More than the trip, the book talks about escaping the conventions of life ; What society tells you about how you should live, the work you must have, the family you need to have, to find a way to live life fully and, you should aim it, as can be seen in the following sentence:

The only people that interest me are the ones who are crazy, the people who are crazy for living, crazy for talking, crazy for saving themselves, wanting everything at the same time, people who never yawn or talk about common places, but that burns, burns like fabulous yellow rockets and then you see a blue light explode and everybody releases an Ahhh !"


Siddharta - Hermann Hesse

This book by Hermann Hesse; One of my favorite authors, talks about the trip we all have to make, which is not a trip to a specific place but a trip inside each one, a trip to connect with ourselves and find the meaning of our life. It is an existentialist book, full of questions and reflections ideal for those travelers who are making the transition to follow their dreams. It is a highly recommended and highly inspiring book . And ultimately:

"Remember, friend, that the world of forms is temporary, especially with our clothes, our hair and our whole body"


Twelve pilgrims stories - Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Directly from the land of His Majesty, El Cayeye, comes this maximum exponent of magical realism , with a book that not only tell a single story, but twelve. Actually, as the name implies, there are twelve stories that narrate the journey and settlement of a dozen Latin American people in Europe.

Through these twelve stories, Gabo talks about the not so pretty feelings that sometimes invade the emigrants, those eager travelers, such as melancholy, tenacity, grief and ambition.

This book, highly recommended, is ideal for travelers who prefer shorter stories rather  than reading a complete novel.


What am I doing here? - Bruce Chatwin

It is the question that Rimbaud once wrote, and that Chatwin, in this, one of the many travel books, intends to answer, because perhaps this is one of the most recurrent questions asked by all those who travel, travel and travel.

What am I doing here? It is the question that arises because of our natural being always in constant movement. This book, like all travel books, seeks to awaken in all readers, that adventurous sense of seeking to know and possess all the towns and cities of the world.


The Tao of the traveler - Paul Theroux

The book's own description says that the author celebrates fifty years of traveling the world and brings together the best of his work and the most memorable passages of those authors who have trained him as a reader and traveler: Vladimir Nabokov, Samuel Johnson, Evelyn Waugh, Charles Dickens, Mark Twain, Ernest Hemingway, Graham Greene and DH Lawrence among others come together in these pages.

This is a book full of  important information, ideal to prepare our trips, but also to enjoy them, to understand them and above all to remember them.

Maybe, you may not be very passionate about reading, but these books really deserve an opportunity. Not only will they distract you in moments of waiting, but they will help you enjoy the trip, look at it from some others perspective and let it inspire you in the best way. Now, if the problem is space, we recommend downloading the Kindle application on your cell phone, and these other essential travel applications .


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