What to eat in the Amazon. Typical dishes that you should try

What to eat in the Amazon. Typical dishes that you should try

Mar, 1 octubre 2019
What to eat in the Amazon. Typical dishes that you should try

A trip is never complete if one does not venture to try the typical dishes of the place he visits. Therefore, this time we will make a tour of typical dishes of the rich cuisine of the Colombian Amazon , so when you visit, you will know what you must try to say that you have really known this beautiful part of Colombia.

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The Amazon is a very extensive jungle and very rich in fauna, flora, culture and friendly people, and as if that were not enough, this richness is also seen in the cuisine of the Amazon , which is very varied and may seem strange and strange but is extremely delicious, thanks to the influence it has received from Brazil and Peru, so here we leave you a list of the typical dishes of the Amazon that you must try yes or yes.

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The most delicious typical dishes of the Colombian Amazon



The diet of the Amazon is based mainly on fish, and one of the kings is the Pirarucú, a fish that can measure up to 4 meters and is considered the largest freshwater fish in the world, its taste in neutral, has no thorn and its smell is not very strong, that's why it is one of the typical dishes of the Amazon that tourists and everyone who visits the department wants to eat. It has many preparations but the most liked are the Chicharrones de Pirarucú. This dish consists of serving the fish in small pieces, breaded and fried.


Cream of Copoazú

The Copoazú is a very nutritious Amazon fruit, which has a flavor similar to passion fruit and many health benefits, however its texture and flavor end up making a party on the palate. This fruit can be tasted in juices and ice cream, but what you can not stop eating is the Copoazú Cream , which is a sweet that is prepared with the fruit pulp, milk cream and condensed milk. La Crema de Copoazú is definitely one of the typical dishes of the Amazon that you can not stop eating.


Mochated Fish

The Moqueado Fish is another of the typical dishes of the Amazon that you must try on your trip, and more than the fish; which can be the one you like most, is by the method of preparation that is derived from an indigenous tradition of the region and involves wrapping the fish in banana leaves and let it smoke for several hours or even days under the sand . It is one of the typical dishes of the Amazon that has more flavor.



The Mojojoy is another of the dishes that you must eat, as well as being rich, it is iconic of the Colombian Amazon. It is nothing more and nothing less than a white larva that is stuffed with meat, chicken or any other type of meat and then fried or put on the grill. You can also eat it raw, but it tastes richer and gives less thing to eat fried or roasted. This larva is eaten by many indigenous tribes in the area for its high nutritional content.



Last but not least you should try the casabe, another of the most famous typical dishes of the Amazon , since they use it to accompany most of the dishes that carry fish or meat, you can even find casabe pizzas, which is an omelet or arepa made from cassava.

Some of the destinations in the Amazon that you can not miss are Puerto Nariño , Leticia , the Amacayacu National Natural Park and Lake Taratopo . If you want to discover more of this beautiful country, we invite you not to get any of our Colombian travel guides entering here .


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